“The utterance of a banished word, triggers the unraveling of a story.”

When I work with clients, I help them re-script their life stories through an empowerment lens, so it is strengths-based instead of problem-focused.
I believe we are not born silent, instead we are pressured to be.
In order to alleviate this burden that prevent authenticity, I have developed and implemented memoir writing groups for immigrants and LGBTQ youth in NYC and led therapeutic journal writing workshops. With experience as a writer and producer, working with Women in the World, Tina Brown's organization in partnership with The New York Times, I’ve traveled to and brought women activists from around the globe to share their stories on live and digital stages.
Connect with your body through intuitive eating {The Well}
Why We Crave Connection (and how to build stronger bonds) {The Well}
What We Can Learn From Trees {The Well}
Do You Have Responsibility Fatigue? {The Well}
A Therapist Explains What Your Attachment Style Says About Your Relationship {BEST LIFE}
4 Ways to Set Boundaries with Pushy Family Members Over the Holidays {Well+Good}
How to Prevent Cheating in a Relationship{BEST LIFE}
8 Reasons You’ve Stopped Having Sex and How to Address Them {BEST LIFE}
Expert Dos and Don’ts for Taking a Relationship Break {BEST LIFE}
Five Years Later, What Have Dating Apps Really Done for Us? {GLAMOUR MAGAZINE}
How To Discuss The Tough Stuff {GLAMOUR MAGAZINE}
Why Black Women are More Likely to Die of Pregnancy-related Complications {Women in the World in partnership with The New York Times}
Keep it Simple: A Lesson in Linking to Sexual Health Care {AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SEXUALITY EDUCATION}

Hire Lia to write for your publication.
Lia is a sought-after relationship advisor for professional academic journals, mainstream magazines, and websites. Publications call upon her to help their readers have sex-positive conversations that align with the realities of modern life.